Bella Tu Med Spa

How Often Can You Get Microneedling?

microneedling nyc

Microneedling NYC, sometimes referred to as collagen induction therapy, is a safe, effective way to induce extra collagen production in your skin. At Bella Tu Medspa in Nyack, NY near New City, NY, we proudly offer this treatment. It’s quick, comfortable, and true to its namesake. With just one treatment session, your skin will produce collagen at a much greater rate. Today, we’re taking a closer look at this treatment, including how often you can get it.

How Often Can You Get Microneedling NYC?

More often than not, people benefit the most from one microneedling NYC session every four to six weeks. We can give you a better idea of what treatment schedule to expect once we have evaluated your concerns and discussed your goals. Once you have received enough treatment sessions to achieve your desired goals, you may not need to come in monthly to maintain your desired results. You may only need to come in once every six to 12 months.

How Soon Will I See the Results of My Treatment? 

How long it will take you to see the results of your collagen induction therapy session depends on several factors, including the concern you are trying to treat. If your concern is enlarged pores, you can enjoy the benefit of receiving collagen induction therapy as soon as your session is complete. Your pores will be noticeably smaller.

On the other hand, if your goal is the treatment of stretch marks, acne scars, or other types of scars, it may be several months before you can enjoy the benefit of extra collagen production. It can take four to six weeks for your skin to finish producing the extra collagen in response to the treatment. If you need three sessions spaced a month apart and it takes a month to see the results of each session, it will take three months to enjoy your final results.

What Benefits Can I Get From This Treatment?

Brighter Skin

Since this treatment works by encouraging the production of extra collagen in a targeted area, there are a number of benefits you can expect. Collagen is a very special protein that plays several very important roles. One such role is cellular turnover. In other words, collagen is necessary for your skin to replace dead, dull-looking skin cells with bright, living skin cells.

Tighter Skin

Another benefit you can expect from increasing collagen production in a problem area is tighter skin. This is because another one of collagen’s roles is to act as scaffolding, keeping your skin taut. If you have loose, sagging jowls or chest skin, collagen induction therapy may be the perfect anti-aging solution for you.

Clearer Skin

In some cases, collagen induction therapy can result in clearer skin. If you have whitehead or blackhead breakouts due to excess sebum production, this treatment may be ideal for you. It stops excess sebum production and unclogs pores so topical acne preventatives are more effective. However, this treatment will not prevent all types of acne outbreaks.

Am I a Good Candidate for This Treatment Near New City, NY?

To verify that microneedling NYC near New City, NY is right for you, it is crucial that you come in for an initial evaluation with a cosmetic expert. Most people who are at least 22 years of age and concerned about problems caused by collagen loss will be considered a good fit for this treatment. However, it is not safe for everyone. For example, you will not be able to get treatment if your skin is irritated from sunburn, windburn, or razor burn.

How Should I Prepare for My Treatment Session? 

During your initial consultation, we will advise you on all of the preparation steps you need to follow in advance of your collagen induction therapy session. To ensure your session goes as smoothly as possible, it is important that your blood has the ability to clot normally. Therefore, you should avoid taking anything that can cause blood-thinning, like NSAIDs, MAOIs, or vitamin E supplements prior to your treatment.

It is also important that your skin is not irritated, so avoid getting any cosmetic treatments that have the potential to cause skin irritation, like laser hair removal. Also, protect your skin from potential sun damage in the weeks leading up to your treatment.

What Can I Expect After My Treatment Session? 

After your treatment session, there is no downtime required. You are free to return to work, but you’ll need to keep some restrictions in mind. For example, it is very important that you avoid the treatment area getting too hot or wet. Wear sunscreen, stay cool, and don’t engage in vigorous physical activity.

Schedule Your Initial Consultation Today

You can generally expect to benefit the most from microneedling sessions spaced four to six weeks apart. Once you have received enough treatments to achieve your cosmetic goals, though, you may only need to come in once or twice per year for follow-up sessions. If you’re in the New City, NY area and wondering if this treatment is right for you, drop us a line now at Bella Tu Medspa in Nyack, NY to schedule an initial consultation.

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