Bella Tu Med Spa

Cosmetic Injectables & Fillers

Cosmetic injectables takes just a few minutes and provides an effective solution for lines between the eyebrows, across the forehead and crows feet. Improve your dull skin. Botox can also be used to treat TMJ pain.

*Individual results may vary.

Botox Cosmetic – Express Yourself

Botox is a highly purified but naturally occurring protein that relaxes the muscles where it is injected. This relaxation softens fine lines and wrinkles and lasts for several months until the treated muscles gradually return to their original condition. Cosmetic Injectables takes just a few minutes and provides an effective solution for lines between the eyebrows, across the forehead and crows feet. Improve your dull skin. Botox can also be used to treat TMJ pain.


Aquagold painlessly, easily and effectively delivers a cocktail of Botox, dermal filler (HA) and Vitamin C. It is a great procedure to brighten skin and improve skin quality, minimize pores and and reduces appearance of blemishes. There is virtually no downtime for this treatment so it’s the perfect treatment before an event, but with a series of treatments, patients have noticed longer lasting improvements in skin quality.


Volux is an FDA approved Cosmetic Injectables designed specifically to sculpt the

jawline and chin area – perfect for men & women! Bella Tu is the first in the area to offer Volux to you! We are so excited to be one of the very few offices who have had the privilege to be trained on Volux!


Fill those lines and folds in your face with the smooth and natural look of JUVÉDERM®, a hyaluronic acid filler that can last up to one year. We offer dermal fillers and Cosmetic injectables which require little-to-no downtime and provide immediate satisfaction. These include JUVÉDERM®, Voluma, Restylane, and Perlane.


Kybella injections can create tighter, firmer contours underneath your chin and restore your confidence in your facial profile without surgery or downtime.

Voluma & Volbella

Voluma is the first and only FDA-approved filler for the cheek area. Voluma helps to enhance, contour, and create a more youthful profile. Voluma results can last for up to two years. A “lift” that is instant and lasting! Forehead Cheek Under Eye Jaw Chin


cosmetic injector

JUVÉDERM Lip Injection

The newest dermal filler from JUVÉDERM®, Volbella not only adds subtle volume to the lips, but it also smooths and softens the appearance of vertical lip lines around the mouth. Ask us about this exciting new option during your consultation!

Liquid Rhinoplasty

Looking to correct nasal lumps, bumps, or imperfections without the surgery? Liquid rhinoplasty can augment the shape, size, and structuring of the nose while enhancing facial harmony!

Tear Troughs/Under Eye Bags

Tear troughs and undereye bags often make one appear tired or irritable. Explore our exciting treatment options to correct these common aesthetic flaws and achieve youthful, radiant skin!


We Offer Multiple Syringe Discounts, Alle points and monthly promotional discounts.

Refer a Friend for any Botox or Filler and both of you receive $50. You will also automatically have a gift certificate for $50 waiting here for you as soon as your friend has a treatment here.

*Individual results may vary





Avoid lying down for several hours following treatment Avoid exercising or strenuous activity for 24 hours after the procedure No facials for 2 days Avoid sunbathing for the first 28 hours Wear Sunblock

Dermal Fillers Pre & Post Care


Schedule your injection at a time when moderate swelling or bruising will not disrupt your social obligations minimum of two weeks prior to your event. Each time you are treated, outcomes may vary. To lessen the likelihood of bleeding or bruising, discontinue use of blood thinners for 10 days prior to treatment if approved by your primary care provider. This includes aspirin, ibuprofen (Motrin or Advil), naproxen, Aleve, fish oil, St John’s Wort, flax, Vitamin E, Vitamin D, garlic, Ginkgo Biloba, ginseng, etc. Alcohol is also to be avoided 48 hours pre and 24 hours post-injectable treatment, as it is also a blood thinner. You can consider taking Arnica Montana natural supplement to help bruising five days prior to treatment – follow directions on box. Please notify your provider if you have any history of cold sores, as we will consider pre-medicating with an antiviral prescription prior to injections. Cancel your appointment if you have any open sores in the treatment area. It is important that you alert us of any medical conditions you may have and/or any prescribed medications you are taking prior to your treatment. Any injection introduces the risk for infection. For this reason, the following is taken into consideration when proceeding with injections. We will delay treatment if you:

Post Treatment Instructions

Swelling, bruising, tenderness, numbness and areas of firm nodules may occur. Cosmetic Injectables fillers are long lasting, but not permanent. Longevity depends on the areas treated and your body’s metabolism. DO NOT APPLY ANYTHING TO THE SKIN UNTIL THE DAY AFTER TREATMENT: No cleanser, moisturizer or makeup DO NOT massage, touch or manipulate the injection site. Avoid heavy exercise the day of your treatment. Ice packs may be used to the treated area during the first 12 hours. Ice for 15 minutes three times a day. Avoid dental work for 30 days after filler injections Avoid alcoholic beverages for 24 hours post-injections Avoid sleeping on your side or stomach for 24 hours post-treatment to prevent dispersing the product. We recommend you sleep elevated on your back and use pillows to stabilize yourself. If experiencing swelling, sleep with head elevated for 2-3 days to decrease swelling. You may take acetaminophen/Tylenol if you experience any mild tenderness or discomfort. Wait a minimum of four weeks before receiving any skincare or laser treatments. For most patients, the benefits of dermal fillers can be enhanced by using a medical-grade skincare system. Please contact your provider or a member of the staff for product recommendations. If you experience bruising, Arnica Montana natural supplement can be taken to help bruising to resolve at a faster rate. Follow directions.

If you experience any of the following symptoms, contact our office immediately:

Dusky or white discoloration of injected areas, mottling or unusual bruising, severe or increasing pain, redness, increasing warmth or coolness to touch, severe swelling, itching, blisters, difficulty swallowing or smiling, fever or chills. If you notice onset of any of these symptoms, call our office immediately at 845-727-7000. After hours call 516-476-2845.

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