There are just some things that go better together: surf and sand, peanut butter and jelly, and microneedling and IPL. Well, perhaps, you haven’t heard of that last combination. But Needle-Lite is a brand-new treatment that is capable skin tightening by combining two effective treatments: microneedling and IPL therapy. Below, you can read more about Needle-Lite and how it can help you get smooth, tight skin.
How Does Microneedling Work?
Microneedling works in a very simple way: it prompts you body to initiate the healing process in order to achieve facial rejuvenation. Basically, microneedling uses a device called a dermapen. This pen-like tool contains many, fine needles. When the dermapen is smoothly moved along your skin, it leaves behind tiny holes or microchannels. Your body then sees these microscopic holes as traumas that need to be healed. As such, your skin begins producing new collagen and elastin and fresh blood is sent to the area.
How Does IPL Therapy Work?
IPL light therapy has been used for years to help rejuvenate the skin. IPL stands for intense pulsed light, and while it uses light, it is not a laser treatment. Instead, IPL uses different light wavelengths, which flash like a photo flash, in order to deliver heat energy into skin cells. IPL is able to correct freckles, age spots, and facilitate skin tightening.
Needle-Lite for Skin Tightening
One of the main reasons you might be looking older than you feel is that as we age, our skin loses it firmness. That means your skin doesn’t retain moisture like it once did and becomes loose and flabby. While most people concentrate on their fine lines and wrinkles, it is often that lost facial volume that makes them look older.
But that’s where Needle-Lite comes in! This treatment is able to vastly improve the elasticity of your skin so that it is firmer, smoother, and tighter. Basically, as microneedling works to improve the top layers of your skin, the IPL light is working to improve the deeper layers of your skin.
Am I A Candidate for Needle-Lite for Skin Tightening?
As a non-invasive, non-surgical treatment, Needle-Lite is able to correct various skin concerns and conditions. It’s possible that you may experience a bit of redness or tenderness, but that is just due to the healing nature of the treatment. Needle-Lite is also safe for all skin tones and types, even those with darker skin.
To learn more about Needle-Lite and if you make a good candidate for this treatment, reach out to the professionals at Bella Tu Med Spa. We are conveniently located in Goshen and Nyack, NY. Contact us today to schedule your consultation!