Are you looking to finally achieve the contours you’ve been working for years to get? If so, look no further than CoolSculpting at Bella Tu Medspa in Nyack, NY. This revolutionary body contouring treatment has changed the lives of over seven million people over the years. Today, we’re discussing seven incredible benefits of this treatment, including the durability of the results.
7 Mind-Blowing Benefits of CoolSculpting
1. CoolSculpting Can Eliminate Fat Cells Permanently
By far, the most exciting benefit of CoolSculpting, also known as cryolipolysis, is that it permanently eliminates excess fat cells. Adults can’t grow new fat cells. Therefore, when fat cells are destroyed and eliminated from the body, there are permanently fewer fat cells.
The reason people have so much trouble maintaining improved contours is that weight loss through diet and exercise only “shrinks’ fat cells as the stored fat is burned for fuel. However, there is still the same number of fat cells in the affected area. Since where people gain weight is mostly genetic, there’s a good chance that the trouble areas will expand again if weight gain occurs.
2. It Can Remove Fat From Virtually Anywhere
Another incredible advantage of this treatment is that it can be used to remove fat permanently from virtually any part of your body. When the technology first hit the market back in 2002, you could only target large areas with at least an inch of pinchable fat. On average, this equates to five pounds of excess fat cells that people at their goal weight may not have.
Thanks to incredible advances in technology, we can treat smaller areas than ever. For instance, we can remove excess fat cells from the underarms, backs of the knees, neck, chin, and jawline. This wasn’t possible a decade ago.
3. There Is No Risk of Skin or Other Tissue Damage
While there are other body contouring treatments on the market, none are as safe as cryolipolysis. Body contouring treatments that use laser energy to melt fat cells have the potential to damage skin tissue and other tissue around the targeted fat cells. Even worse, such treatments aren’t safe for people with darker skin as laser light can bleach darker skin.
There’s also no need to worry about frostbite or any other side effects of using cold to destroy fat cells. The device only gets down to 41 degrees. Skin damage caused by the cold doesn’t occur until temperatures reach well below freezing for an extended period. To further ensure the safety of your skin, a special gel is applied to your skin before treatment.
4. There Is No Pain
Yet another incredible benefit of this revolutionary treatment is that there is absolutely no pain. The gel applied to your skin both protects it from potential cold damage and ensures you feel neither pain nor discomfort. In fact, many clients report that they feel relaxed and reinvigorated once the treatment is over.
Since you’re not distracted by pain or discomfort during your treatment, you are free to do something more productive with your time. For example, many of our clients choose to take a nap during the treatment. Others opt to catch up on a TV show or book that they’ve fallen behind on. What you choose to do is up to you. Just know you will be completely comfortable the whole time.
5. There Is No Downtime
Since treatment is neither painful nor uncomfortable, there is no need for any local or general anesthetic. This means that your driving is not restricted and you will not be observed after treatment to ensure there were no side effects from the anesthesia.
Since this treatment is non-invasive, there is no extensive recovery period, no pain or discomfort after treatment, and absolutely no time cost except for the treatment itself. You are free to do whatever you want after your treatment session, whether you want to go back to work, attend your kid’s soccer game, or work out.
6. Treatment Is Convenient
CoolSculpting and liposuction provide similar results. Cryolipolysis averages a reduction of 26% of localized fat cells in larger areas and an 80% reduction of localized fat cells in smaller areas. Liposuction typically removes between 20 and 25% of excess fat cells. However, liposuction takes one to two hours and requires a recovery period.
Cryolioplysis, on the other hand, can be completed in just 45 minutes to an hour, and you don’t lose 10 to 14 days of your life in intensive recovery. Furthermore, you do not have to change your usual routine for six weeks as you can’t work out like you’ve been doing for years. Simply come in on your lunch break and in an hour or so, you can return to your life.
7. Nearly Everyone Is a Good Candidate
There are many people who make poor candidates for laser lipo and other body contouring “solutions.” Contrastingly, nearly everyone is a good candidate for cryolipolysis. To verify that you do not have a pre-existing medical condition that would preclude you from treatment, schedule an initial consultation.
Take the First Step in Permanently Improving Your Contours Today
If you’re ready to finally improve your contours for good, CoolSculpting can help. This life-changing treatment freezes white fat cells to death so they can be eliminated via your lymphatic system. To find out if you’re a good candidate for this treatment, please contact us today at Bella Tu Medspa in Nyack, NY to book your initial consultation.