As women age, they tend to discover a variety of problematic zones developing around their bodies. For some, it is the love handles while for others it is the bra bulge area. Many struggle with cellulite, particularly on the buttocks and thighs. If you have problematic areas of unwanted fat and cellulite on your body, you may be able to benefit from CoolSculpting treatments in New York.
Cellulite may be genetic, may appear as a natural progression of age or may appear secondary to weight gain. Even once you lose excess weight, you may still be left with that obnoxious dimpled skin that makes you embarrassed to wear shorts or swimsuits. Cellulite typically occurs when fatty tissues push on the connective tissues beneath the skin. Fibrous bands are formed to hold back some of the tissues, but other tissues manage to break through, causing lumpiness. While exercise and fat reduction can certainly help, many women find that they do not experience full clearing of these symptoms without specialized treatments.
If you are like thousands of women you have probably tried a variety of cellulite treatments without success. Topical creams, massages and targeted strength training rarely do little to improve the area. Thankfully, there is a great way to target cellulite non-invasively, particularly if it is due to prior weight gain and loss.
CoolSculpting is a truly amazing treatment that gets rid of stubborn pockets of fat that lie beneath the skin and that cause your skin to look bumpy and untoned. A single CoolSculpting session can get rid of up to 25 percent of the fat cells in a given area, and the recommended two treatments can get rid of half of the area’s fat cells. CoolSculpting uses very cold temperatures to freeze and permanently destroy fat cells without any invasive techniques. In fact, after the treatment, your body will go to work to use natural methods of removing these dead cells. Over the next month or two, you will gradually see the shape and size of your body change as your abdomen, hips, thighs or buttocks are reshaped from the inside out.
While you may have heard of liposuction for treating excessive fatty deposits that simply do not respond to diet and exercise, CoolSculpting typically works just as well without any of the annoying side effects of liposuction. With CoolSculpting, you will only need to set aside an hour of your time and will be able to get right back to work after your appointment. Other than some temporary skin redness at the treatment site, you should not have any other side effects and will not have to waste time at home recovering from your treatment.
We have successfully treated hundreds of women with cellulite in New York using CoolSculpting’s cutting-edge technology. We know that no one wants to live with the dimpled appearance of cellulite. This is why we offer CoolSculpting and its permanent results which can truly change your appearance and your life. Contact us today at Bella Tu to schedule your consultation with us in Goshen or Nyack.