Unwanted body hair can be considered unattractive and embarrassing and require constant effort to remove. Many people in Spring Valley spend hours every week to have smooth legs, chin, upper lip and bikini line. It can be expensive to remove unwanted body hair. You need to keep a supply of shaving instruments and cream, or have regular, expensive spa treatments. Waxing at home is another option, but it is messy and time-consuming at best. If these scenarios look familiar, laser hair removal may be your best option.
With laser hair removal in Spring Valley, you can count on clear, smooth skin for months. Even when some hair does grow back, it will be sparse and weak and can be removed with a touch-up treatment. Laser hair removal is the most common cosmetic treatment in the U.S. and there are good reasons for this. It is a quick, targeted treatment that can remove one hair at a time on your upper lip or an area about the size of a quarter on your back, chest or legs. It takes just a few minutes to remove the hair from your face or bikini line or about an hour for larger areas.
The laser light is directed by our trained technician to go through the upper layers of skin and damages the pigment in the hair follicle. When the follicle is damaged, it cannot grow hair again. Laser hair removal does not permanently remove all of the hair it treats, but some is permanently removed, which is why only a little regrows. It may take two to six treatments, with a few weeks between treatments, to achieve the results you want. This is because there are three main stages of hair growth, and the laser only works when the hair is actively growing.
When you talk to our skin care specialists in Spring Valley, you can learn if laser hair removal is the right treatment to remove your unwanted body hair.
With the exception of the area around the eyes, laser hair removal is suitable for all other areas of the body including:
• Upper lip and chin
• Arms and underarms
• Legs
• Bikini line
• Chest
• Back
After the treatment, it may take a few days for the hair to go away. It may look like it is growing longer, but it is actually fading through natural processes.
If you have body hair that you constantly need to remove in order to have self-confidence, laser hair removal may be your new best friend. You can learn more when you visit one of our specialists at Bella Tu Med Spa in Goshen or Nyack, NY. Contact us today to schedule a consultation!