There has been a shift in the way society as a whole views hair loss. There was a time when if a man lost his hair, it was the end of the world. Their social life was over, they had a drastic reduction in their chances of finding a potential mate and the way they were treated in the workplace was drastically different.
Now, there are a lot of famous, powerful and successful individuals who have gone through male pattern baldness. Losing their hair has not been a detriment.
Unfortunately, this is not the case for every single man out there. For some men, losing their hair is still a blow not only to their appearance, but also to their confidence and self-esteem.
Microneedling with PRP hair growth, or platelet-rich plasma, has benefited these men (and women) in their fight to retain and regrow hair.
What is Micro-Needling?
Hair microneedling is a relative newcomer to the world of scalp treatment. It utilizes a device that increases the penetration of topical treatment and has been shown to improve hair growth.
The device that is used can be described as a cylindrical barrel that is covered in stainless steel micro-needles. These needles have been specially engineered to achieve the desired results. The needles share a lot of similarities to the needles that are used by acupuncturists.
The micro-needles are designed to penetrate the top layer of the scalp of the patient, while at the same time not causing any damage. The penetration by these needles allows the scalp to absorb a larger quantity of the topical treatments that men use to prevent hair loss and regrow hair.
Research has shown that when a man pre-treats his head using micro-needles, his scalp’s ability to absorb the topical treatment he is using increases. Some research has also shown that the micro-needling process itself stimulates the scalp and leads to hair growth.
How Does Micro-Needling Work with PRP?
To understand how Microneedling hair works with PRP, one must first have a basic understanding of how the skin on the scalp is composed.
The skin on the scalp is divided into multiple layers. The exterior layer is called the stratum corneum. This layer of skin is comprised primarily of dead skin cells, oils and a protein known as keratin.
The purpose of this exterior layer of skin is to protect the inside of the body from any microbes that would want to pass through the scalp. It is very effective in accomplishing this task.
For this reason, when an individual applies topical hair growth treatment, only a small fraction of the active ingredient can pass through the scalp and into the body.
Microneedling scalp creates small, quick-healing channels in the scalp that allow topical treatments to effectively penetrate the skin and have the best result.
In this case, the platelet-rich plasma taken from your skin cells can penetrate more deeply into the skin, thus increasing hair restoration abilities.
The PRP effectively stimulates a new blood supply and provides proper nutrients to deprived hair follicles. This ultimately encourages renewed hair growth.
Schedule an Appointment Today
For some individuals, losing their hair is no big deal. They have a nicely shaped head and feel just as confident and attractive with hair as they do without.
However, for individuals who are concerned about hair loss, Microneedling with PRP hair growth can go a long way in helping them retain and regrow lost hair.
At Bella Tu Med Spa in Nyack and Goshen, we often combine micro-needling with PRP to ensure the best possible results for our patients. Contact our office today to schedule your appointment and begin your journey to a fuller head of hair.