Nasal reshaping surgery, medically known as a rhinoplasty, is one of the top five cosmetic procedures in the United States, but if you’re not sure about undergoing a surgical procedure to get the nose you desire, you may want to consider the less invasive liquid rhinoplasty, as offered by BellaTu Med Spa in Nyack, NJ. Here are the most important things to know about this treatment.
Nine Things to Know About Liquid Rhinoplasty
It’s Less Invasive
This treatment, which is also referred to as non-surgical rhinoplasty, involves the injection of dermal fillers into your nose to change its shape. It is considered less invasive than traditional rhinoplasty because it does not require general anesthesia, does not surgically alter your nose’s bone or cartilage, and there is very little downtime following the treatment.
Additionally, there are fewer risks associated with non-surgical rhinoplasty, fewer complications after the treatment, and fewer restrictions while you heal.
Topical Anesthesia Is Used
Rather than general or even local anesthesia, which is required for a traditional rhinoplasty, a non-surgical rhinoplasty only requires a topical anesthesia. This type of numbing agent has significantly fewer risks than general or local anesthesia.
You also won’t have to spend time in a recovery room following the non-surgical treatment because there will be no need to “wake up” from anesthesia, as there is with traditional surgical procedures. Moreover, general anesthesia increases the overall cost of the procedure as well.
Minimal Downtime Is Required
With a traditional rhinoplasty, you have numerous restrictions following the surgery, including taking baths instead of showers until your bandage comes off, not participating in strenuous activities, avoiding facial expressions that could cause the surgical site to stretch, and not pulling clothes over your head.
You also have to brush your teeth carefully and eat high-fiber foods to avoid constipation (which can strain your incision). Instead, this treatment allows you to return to your everyday routine immediately.
You get Immediate Results
Since fillers are used to reshape your nose, you get instant results. You will walk out of the clinic with a completely different nose than you entered with. As such, you don’t have to wait for bandages to come off or swelling to go down to see the results of your treatment, as you have to do with a traditional rhinoplasty. This can be beneficial if you’re just looking to change the shape of your nose for a specific occasion.
Non-surgical rhinoplasty is an excellent treatment to smooth out bumps on your nose, contour your nose’s profile, accentuate your nose’s tip, add volume to your nose, and to lift your nasal tip. You can instantly get a straight nose with a narrow profile if that’s your desire. The injections can be placed anywhere in your nose to give it the look you want, so all you have to do is describe to us what you hope to achieve.
Temporary Results Mean No Commitment
Non-surgical rhinoplasty treatments are temporary, which means you aren’t stuck with the results if you aren’t happy with how it changed your appearance. This is also an excellent way for you to “try out” a nose job before getting a traditional rhinoplasty procedure done. The injections consist of a naturally-occurring acid, which will eventually be broken down and absorbed by your body. If you like the results and don’t want to commit to surgery, you can always repeat the treatment.
The Treatment Is Quick
A traditional rhinoplasty can take anywhere from 1.5 hours to three hours, depending on which technique is used. Add the time it takes to prepare you for surgery and for you to wake up from the anesthesia, and you could be in the facility for five or more hours. The time it will take for a non-surgical rhinoplasty, though, is between 15 and 30 minutes. You can easily have this treatment done on your lunch break or right after work.
Corrections Are Simple
If you don’t like something about a traditional rhinoplasty, you’ll have to wait until you’re completely healed, then undergo an additional surgical procedure to correct the shape. However, if you want something changed after a non-surgical rhinoplasty, it can be corrected right away or at a subsequent office visit. There will be no additional preparation required and you don’t have to wait to heal to get your correction done. We can keep adjusting the filler until we get it right.
It’s Reversible
If you really don’t like how you look after getting a non-surgical rhinoplasty, you can easily get it reversed. The filler that is injected into your nose can be removed or dissolved so that your nose returns to its original shape. This treatment is a risk-free way to see if you like the way your nose looks with various changes. There’s no problem if you end up deciding this treatment is not for you.
It’s Cheaper
A traditional rhinoplasty surgery can cost anywhere from $4,000 to $10,000, depending on the amount of work done, where you live, and which type of facility you are in. You’ll discover that a non-surgical rhinoplasty is significantly cheaper, but this price will also depend on where you live and the number of injections you need. The cost of your customized treatment will be discussed during your consultation.
Ready to Book Your Appointment?
After learning about the non-surgical rhinoplasty treatment, you’re probably ready to book your appointment. Contact our experts at BellaTu Med Spa in Nyack, NJ to schedule your no-obligation consultation today.