Professional peels are a cosmetic treatment used to exfoliate the skin and thus get rid of wrinkles, discoloration like sunspots, scars and some types of acne. They are typically applied to the face.
Professional peels work by literally making the blemished and wrinkled topmost layers of the skin peel off. The milder ones affect only a layer or two, while the stronger ones remove several layers. While the latter produce more dramatic results, they also have a longer downtime.
Different Types
Superficial or light peels are the mildest type. They remove one or two layers of the epidermis. Light peels are used to treat fine lines, wrinkles, dry skin, mild scarring and age spots. They are a “lunchtime” procedure; the client can get them done in under an hour, and there is no recovery time. They do not cause much discomfort, and the client only looks a little pink afterwards. The client may need multiple superficial peels to get the desired results.
Medium peels go all the way through the epidermis to the top layers of the dermis. Recovery from this treatment may take about a week. Deep peels penetrate to the deeper layers of the dermis. Recovery can take weeks, but the results can be amazing.
During a consultation at our office, we can help you determine which type of treatment is best for you. Our Illuminating Peels can address minor skin conditions, while our Rejuvenize Peels can treat more severe imperfections. We even offer chemical and glycolic-based treatments.
Where Are They Done?
For your convenience, our professional peels are done at our spa. While people can buy at-home kits from their local drugstore, they won’t be as strong or as effective as those done in a professional setting. Buying something like TCA over the internet is a very poor idea for anybody without the appropriate training. An incorrectly applied peel can permanently damage one’s skin.
Thus, a large benefit of a professionally applied peel is safety. Our trained professional can apply it correctly, and they can also spot potential problems and give advice regarding those problems. People with dark skin, for example, are more vulnerable to scarring and hypopigmentation and therefore may not want to undergo deeper treatments. Similarly, people with skin infections shouldn’t have chemical peels until their condition has cleared up.
Can They Benefit You?
Located in Goshen and Nyack, Bella Tu Med Spa offers a variety of peels for clients to choose from. As an added benefit, we customize each treatment to make sure that you are receiving the greatest level of enhancement for your skin care needs. Contact us today to schedule your consultation to learn more about our peels.