Aging can come with a lot of undesirable side effects, including losing volume in the skin and the appearance of wrinkles. If you’re concerned about how these changes might affect your appearance, at Bella Tu Medspa in Nyjack, NJ out Botox injections can help get rid of unwanted wrinkles and help you feel more confident.
How Long Does Botox Last After an Injection?
Getting younger-looking skin is easier than ever when you get these injections. This injectable will help your skin look smoother, getting rid of any wrinkles that may be appearing in various parts of your face.
When you receive these injections, you can expect them to last anywhere between 3 to 6 months. However, you should bear in mind that individual results will vary. Some people may find that their injections last a little bit longer. It all depends on how your skin responds to the treatment, as well as your overall lifestyle.
What Is Botox?
This is an FDA-approved injectable that will relax the muscles in your skin by acting as a neuromodulator. Since many of the wrinkles on your face are the result of a combined loss of volume and elasticity in your skin as well as repeated facial movements, relaxing the muscles beneath the skin will help your skin look younger.
This product does that with the help of its main ingredient, botulinum toxin type A. This ingredient blocks the signals from your brain that are being sent to your muscles, telling them to contract. Because these signals are blocked, your muscles will stay relaxed, helping your face look younger.
What Areas Can It Treat?
You can use this product to treat a range of concerns on your face. If you are looking to target any of the following things, then this treatment could be right for you.
Glabellar Lines
One of the most common wrinkles you might see is glabellar lines. These are the lines that appear right in between your eyebrows, the area also known as your glabella. The wrinkles that might show up in between your brows might also be called frown lines because they form when you furrow your brow.
You can use this injectable to target the area, smoothing out the wrinkles that have appeared in the area. This will help you look younger, and it will also help you look happier and less worried.
Crow’s Feet
The skin around your eyes is thinner than it is on the rest of your face. This means that it tends to be more affected by gaining concerns like volume loss and wrinkling. As you get older, you may notice small lines around the outer corners of your eyes. These wrinkles are called crow’s feet.
Because the skin in this area is so thin, it can be difficult to treat this specific concern. But you can use this injectable to relax the muscles around your eyes, which will help to keep the skin on top smooth and looking young.
Forehead Lines
When you lift your eyebrows, you might find horizontal lines running across as the skin creases. Over time, your skin loses its ability to smooth out again after making facial expressions, which means that these horizontal lines will likely become permanent.
This injectable will relax the muscles on your forehead. This means that those lines that have appeared will become less noticeable, and may even disappear entirely. You’ll look more relaxed and much happier with the appearance of these lines diminished.
Laugh Lines
Another type of wrinkle you may find on your face is laugh lines. These are the lines that appear in between your nose and mouth. They are also called nasolabial folds and smile lines. As these wrinkles start to appear, you’ll likely find that they age your appearance considerably.
This injectable will keep the muscles in this area relaxed, which means that the wrinkles will be less noticeable your face will look younger.
Other Uses for Botox
One of the main uses for this injectable, and perhaps the use it’s most well-known for, is for cosmetic purposes. Most people opt to get this injectable as a way to help reduce or eliminate the appearance of various wrinkles on the face, which helps them look younger and feel more confident. But there are some other uses for this injectable that you may find surprising.
Several medical conditions can be managed with this injectable. Many of these medical conditions are caused by uncontrollable contractions of the muscles, which makes Botox a great option when it comes to treatment. If you have any of the following conditions, this product can be used as a management option:
• Migraines
• Cervical dystonia
• Uncontrollable blinking
• Severe underarm sweating
Learn More About Our Clinic
As with any type of treatment, the most important thing you can do is find a qualified practitioner to provide you with your treatment. Our team is ready to give you treatment that isn’t just effective, but that is safe and long-lasting. Are you ready to book a consultation with our team? Get in touch with us today at Bella Tu Medspa in Nyjack, NJ.